Python Text to Morse Code with Full Source Code For Beginners

Text to Morse Code using Python.

Run the Script:

python3 text_to_morse_code.pyCode language: CSS (css)

Source Code:

#all_the symbols
symbols = {
    "a": ".-",
    "b": "-...",
    "c": "-.-.",
    "d": "-..",
    "e": ".",
    "f": "..-.",
    "g": ".-",
    "h": "....",
    "i": "..",
    "j": ".---",
    "k": "-.-",
    "l": ".-..",
    "m": "--",
    "n": "-.",
    "o": "---",
    "p": ".--.",
    "q": "--.-",
    "r": ".-.",
    "s": "...",
    "t": "-",
    "u": "..-",
    "v": "...-",
    "w": ".--",
    "x": "-..-",
    "y": "-.--",
    "z": "--..",

#the user has to tyoe a word
ask = input("type: ")

length = len(ask)
output = ""

for i in range(length):
    if ask[i] in symbols.keys():
        output = output + " " + symbols.get(ask[i])

print(output)   Code language: PHP (php)

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