React JS Interview Questions [Part – 2]

11) How do you use forms and form validation in React.js?

  • Forms and form validation in React.js are typically implemented using controlled components, where the form input values are stored in the state and updated as the user interacts with the form.
  • Form validation is then performed by checking the values in the state against a set of rules.

12) How do you handle routing in a React.js application?

  • Routing in a React.js application is typically handled using a library such as React Router.
  • This library provides components and APIs for defining routes and navigating between them.

13) How do you use React.js with a state management library such as Redux?

  • React.js can be used with a state management library such as Redux by integrating the Redux store with the React components.
  • This allows for better management of shared states between components.

14) What is the significance of Higher Order Components (HOC) in React.js?

  • Higher Order Components (HOC) in React.js are components that wrap other components to add additional functionality.
  • They are significant because they allow for code reuse and abstract common functionality into a single, reusable component.

15) How do you use Hooks in React.js?

  • Hooks were introduced in React 16.8 and allow for using state and other React features without writing a class component.
  • Hooks make it easier to reuse logic between components and provide more flexible and concise code.
  • They are significant because they allow for more flexible and concise code

16) How do you use Context API in React.js?

  • The Context API in React.js is a feature that allows for sharing data between components without passing props down through multiple levels of components.
  • This is useful for data that is needed by many components throughout an application.

17) How can you optimize the performance of a React.js application?

  • The performance of React.js applications can be optimized through techniques like using the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method and lazy loading.
  • Memoization can also be used to improve the performance of React.js applications.

18) How do you test React.js components?

  • React.js components can be tested using various testing libraries, such as Jest and Enzyme.
  • These libraries provide APIs for writing and running unit tests for React components

19) How does Server-side rendering work in React.js?

  • Server-side rendering in React.js involves rendering the initial HTML on the server, rather than in the browser.
  • This can help improve performance, especially for slower devices or low-bandwidth connections.

20) How does React.js handle different types of errors?

  • React.js handles different types of errors through various means, such as the try-catch statement, the use of error boundaries, and global error handling.
  • Error boundaries are React components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log the errors, and display a fallback UI.

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