Python Number Guessing Game with Full Source Code

  • This game allows you to check your luck and intuition.
  • You should find the number computer guessed


  • Just run in the cmd command line after setting the project directory
python main.pyCode language: CSS (css)

Source Code:

import random

print("Number guessing game")

# randint function to generate the
# random number b/w 1 to 9
number = random.randint(1, 9)

# number of chances to be given
# to the user to guess the number
# or it is the inputs given by user
# into input box here number of
# chances are 5
chances = 0

print("Guess a number (between 1 and 9):")

# While loop to count the number
# of chances
while True:

    # Enter a number between 1 to 9
    guess = int(input())

    # Compare the user entered number
    # with the number to be guessed
    if guess == number:

        # if number entered by user
        # is same as the generated
        # number by randint function then
        # break from loop using loop
        # control statement "break"
            NUMBER {number} IN {chances} ATTEMPTS!')
        # Printing final statement using the f-strings method;

    # Check if the user entered
    # number is smaller than
    # the generated number
    elif guess < number:
        print("Your guess was too low: Guess a number higher than", guess)

    # The user entered number is
    # greater than the generated
    # number
        print("Your guess was too high: Guess a number lower than", guess)

    # Increase the value of chance by 1
    chances += 1Code language: PHP (php)


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