C Program to Print the Frequency of digits of a given number

Write a program to print the frequency of digits in a given number

Input Format
The input contains an integer 

Output Format
Print the required output

 1<=input<=10^12Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1

Frequency of 0 = 1
Frequency of 1 = 1
Frequency of 2 = 2
Frequency of 3 = 3
Frequency of 4 = 0
Frequency of 5 = 0
Frequency of 6 = 0
Frequency of 7 = 1
Frequency of 8 = 1


#include <stdio.h>
#define BASE 10 

int main()
    long long num, n;
    int i, lastDigit;
    int freq[BASE];

    scanf("%lld", &num);

    for(i=0; i<BASE; i++)
        freq[i] = 0;

    n = num; 

    while(n != 0)
        lastDigit = n % 10;
        n /= 10;

    for(i=0; i<BASE; i++)
        printf("Frequency of %d = %d\n", i, freq[i]);

    return 0;
Code language: C/AL (cal)

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